H7789 Mortising Attachment Kit
Upgrade your drill press with this kit and turn it into a mortising machine.
The H7789 Mortising Kit features a quick and easy way to produce mortises with your drill press.
Featuring 1/4", 5/16", 3/8" and 1/2" chisels, this kit will help you produce “old school” mortise and tenon joints.
The H7789, with its variety of interchangeable bushings, will fit just about any drill press for boring precision mortises.
The entire kit includes three two-piece bushings, three split bushings, a cast-iron chisel holder and fence, a hold down assembly, a quill alignment pin, and a carrying case.
Just match your drill press quill diameter to the nearest ID bushing dimension.
Bushing sizes include: 2.945" O.D. x 2.600" I.D., 2.600" O.D. x 2.366" I.D, 2.366" O.D. x 2.170" I.D., 2.600" O.D. x 2.000" I.D., 2.600" O.D. x 1.880" I.D. and 2.600" O.D. x 1.570" I.D.
Not recommended for use with "baby" drill presses.
The H7789 comes with a 1-year warranty which assures the set is free from factory defects.
The manual was written by our U.S. based Technical Documentation Department and is packed with useful information.
The Grizzly Customer Service and Tech Support Teams are U.S. based.
Parts may be available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.
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Not recommended for Radial Drill Presses